Weight loss tracker

Thursday, May 20, 2010


So I guess with all the jogging and walking I've been doing on the treadmill and with the small improvements I've seen, I deluded myself into thinking I could actually be a runner, you know, the hardcore, run just about everyday, do 6 marathons a year, GPS watch owning runner. I guess I shouldn't call it an epic fail maybe a half-epic fail. I actually got up the nerve to run outside this evening, all psyched up, adrenaline pumping, kind of nervous, ready to go after chickening our umpteen times before. I figured I'd have no problem jogging 1 to 1 1/2 miles, I could do it on the treadmill, no problem and then I'd walk and jog like I was used to doing on the treadmill for the remainder of the 3 miles. Stretched my legs out, threw on my old running shoes. cranked up the mp3 player (Lady Gaga) and off I went, first of all my ankles kept feeling all wobbly and then my shin splints acted up and then that old familiar twinge of pain in the old lady hip...seriously??? This was supposed to be a piece of cake, I was semi-conditioned, or so I thought, I made it 2 blocks jogging, yep, 2 long ass blocks, I could have cried, what a total let down! I guess I didn't realize how much different it was actually hitting the pavement when all I've done is the treadmill. I call it a half-epic fail because I didn't turn around and stomp back those 2 blocks home and call it quits, instead I walked, and did a little more jogging, not much jogging, my confidence is pretty much blown at this point, but I did 2.5 miles, mostly walking, but I did it anyway. One of my problems aside from the physical aspects of not being able to do this is that I care too much what other people think and I know I need to get past that. That wasn't the reason I had to stop jogging but it was in the back of my mind when I was walking. I can feel all the jiggly parts jiggling and I'm sure it isn't pretty when I run. I need to say screw it if you don't like it don't look at it, but I'm not quite there yet. My son is going to jog with me once school is out, so that will help, to have a jogging buddy, tonight I just feel like a loser!
Calories for the day: 1360
Not sure how many calories I burned because the jogging watch told me I did 1 1/2 miles (I clocked it out in the car at 2.5) and only burned 58 calories and I'm sure it's more than that!


Cassandra said...

It is harder running outside, but a good idea to mix it up with treadmill workouts. A few things to watch for that will derail you pretty quickly.

Pace: A treadmill keeps your pace for you, so you don't have to. Increasing your pace even 1/2 mph will be a HUGE difference. I try to maintain my pace by counting footfalls to breaths -in my case, it's about four footfalls to each inhalation and the same to each exhalation.

Ground - Pavement is HARD. The platform on your treadmill is more forgiving. For something similar outside, try a soccer pitch.

Wind - Running into the wind makes a huge difference. It will strip your breath from you and make it feel like you're fighting for each step. Lean your upper body into it slightly, and remember to breathe.

Hills and terrains - unlike your treadmill, outdoors has all sorts of slight inclines and such you can't control. Lean forward (from the waist) and dig through your heels going uphill, keeping your eyes slightly down; straighten going downhill and don't bother trying to slow yourself - let your momentum carry you.

Just a few tips. And don't be afraid to walk it out for a minute and then run again. There's nothing saying you HAVE to so the whole 1-1.5 miles steady.

Kinder said...

Good for you for trying, and for not giving up! I am not a runner, but I can understand how frustrating that would be for you!

karen said...

I see no failure ... only a lesson ... you can't fail at lessons, only learn from them. Looks like Cassandra had some good input so listen to her (since I only run after the little guy and even then I'm more likely to yell at him to get him to stop or slow down so I can catch up!) :)

karen said...

You've got a present on my blog :)