Weight loss tracker

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pain is only temporary

Exercise means being uncomfortable, it's about pushing yourself just a little farther than you think you can go, the uncomfortable feeling, the PAIN is only temporary. My mind screams at me to stop and I push on anyway because my body is getting stronger and pulling me past the limits of my mind. Think about how fast the pain goes away once you stop exercising, it's kind of like childbirth in that respect, intense pain that you don't think you will make it through but it all but disappears in the blink of an eye and is quickly forgotten, though the sense of accomplishment lingers. The question then becomes how to push past the pain or center yourself and just be in the moment, knowing it will all be done soon and that you are powerful and strong, I AM POWERFUL AND STRONG!!! I do this goofy thing when I'm running I try to visualize in my mind what my breath would look like going in and out of my body and in concentrating on just the breath I can block out everything else, just putting one foot in front of the other and breathing in and breathing out and just BEING! It's amazing to finally get it, to understand that I am capable of far more than I ever dared to think that I am. I am finally liking me and that is huge for someone who is a pro at picking apart all of her own flaws.

I lost 2.4 pounds this week, at first I wasn't thrilled because I was thinking that I didn't lose very much, turns out I had done the math wrong in my head and when I finally sat down to do my blog tonight it dawned on me that I LOST 2.4 POUNDS!!! WOOT WOOT!!!! Still not in "onederland" hopefully next week I will be under 200#, right now I'm sitting at 200.4. Disgusting still, but moving in the right direction anyway!

I ran 1.2 miles of my 3.2 mile treadmill workout today and not only did I run 1.2 miles I jumped my speed up to 5.0 mph, almost back to the speed I was at when I hurt the old lady hip. I am so happy to have been able to do 1.2 miles at that speed. I only warmed up for a half mile before jogging instead of my usual 1 mile and my hip did fine!! yippee!
Treadmill stats:

7.27 minutes
.5 mile
86.0 calories
4.0 to 4.1 mph .5 incline for a small part of it

14.29 minutes
1.2 miles
200.9 calories
5 mph!!!

20.05 minutes
1.5 miles
254.1 calories
Alternated 4.0 walk and 5.0 jog (attempted 6.0mph didn't last very long!)

41.61 minutes (think I trimmed some time off...yayyyyyy!)
3.2 miles
541 calories burned

I feel good about today!!!

Food Log:

Cereal bar 130

Lunch: (Panera my new favorite lunching spot!)
Cup of LF chicken noodle 80
1/2 Asian chicken salad 200
Dressing 45
Baguette 150

Crescent roll 100
Low fat hot dog 90
Half slice of cheese 30

Fruit cup from Panera 60
Mini m&m's (my latest addiction because it feels like you get ALOT of those little suckers!!) 150
Starburst gummies 140
(Too much sugar today, I know!)

Total calories 1175
Burned on treadmill 541
