Weight loss tracker

Friday, April 23, 2010

"Cheat day" or not???

In an effort to maintain this "lifestyle", I think I am going to officially call Fridays a no calorie counting day. Not that I will fall off the wagon and go on a food frenzied eating binge, I just think this will be the day if I'm hungry for something I'll have it, without going overboard. I've been thinking alot about this and I think maybe this will be a way for me to stick with this, I guess I don't know for sure, but I'll try it and see how it goes, maybe this is just the food addict in me that is grasping to maintain it's stronghold, some desperate attempt to maintain control, or maybe I'm just way over thinking this. If the scale is up on Tuesday, or not down at all I will not do the Friday "cheat" day. Maybe this isn't the right thing to do, there aren't too many diets out there that do this, but if it works for me then it works for me and that's all that counts!
I tried doing a pilates dvd this afternoon and it just isn't for me. I know I have a weak core and that is why I have so much trouble with it, but it also makes the old lady hip hurt and I am not going back down that road! I tried my shake weight with the dvd that came with it and I'm not overly impressed, didn't really feel like it was much of a work out. Maybe after supper if it's not raining I'll take the girls for a walk around the neighborhood. Today I am just feeling tired and out of sorts, and I don't know why, it's been a busy hectic week and I have to work all weekend.