Weight loss tracker

Monday, July 12, 2010

Today was tough

I stood on that damn scale today and I had my husband measure me and take some photos, and I've been in a funk ever since. I cannot believe how far I let myself slide again, I am so so so tired of losing this weight over and over again! When do I finally GET IT??? It's never been easy for me to take off pounds and I don't expect this time will be any easier than the last 4,657 or so times, it sure goes on a hell of a lot faster than it comes off! I can't even feel the excitement of starting this new "adventure" because I've been down the same path so many freakin' times!! ENOUGH ALREADY!!! I can say I'm happy to have traveled into the blogging world, I find so much inspiration here and I'm am in need of an endless supply of motivation and inspiration because I sure as hell don't get it from the one I married!! OK, I am just being a crab ass tonight, I haven't had one bit of caffeine today, and I sorely miss my Diet Cokes, tomorrow I'll need to have some coffee or tea or something or I'm sure I'll develop a migraine which I don't need! I stayed within my calorie range today and ate about every 3 hours, I can see how that type of eating will be hard if you have any sort of plans away from home, at least initially. I'll keep plugging along as usual and see what the next weigh in brings! I'm pretty sure I'll stick to Fridays for weigh in days after the "offical" weight I took today. Mondays aren't good for me because of working two 12 hour shift over the weekend and water retention and the whole bit, so Fridays it is from here on out. I'll measure myself once a month, weigh myself once a week, and get pictures when I think of it...


karen said...

I know it sucks ... I've been down the road sooooo many times it makes me want to just sit down and cry into my Ben & Jerry's sometimes. That wouldn't do anyone any good, though, so I keep plugging along (more or less).