Weight loss tracker

Friday, July 23, 2010

Good weigh in again this week!!!

I was down 2.4# this week, yay!!! I had stepped on the scale a day or two ago and it said the exact same weight as last week so I was a bit discouraged because I felt that I was really having a good week, but low and behold I did lose!!! Hallelujah!!!
Tori had her gallbladder out today and is doing remarkably well, as a matter of fact she is sitting at the table playing mousetrap with two of her girlfriends right now. Hopefully she isn't overdoing it. I have to work my usual 12 hour shifts the next two days...bleh! I am thinking I need to look for a new job, the moral in my department sucks! I used to enjoy going in to work and now I dread it, that is no way to go through life! I'm sure I'll stick it out for a while I'm just at a point where I'm getting that itch to try something else, something I will enjoy doing, but who knows, I might just be in a work funk right now and it will all improve again. I have another year of school until I get my Bachelor's degree and then maybe that will open some new doors until I can get through grad school.


karen said...

Congrats on the great weigh-in!!!
I think one of the big reasons I've been able to stick around where I am for work as long as I have without getting totally fed up is simply because most nights I work alone. There's at least one housekeeper and a security guy on, but I hardly see them. If I get fed up with morale it's my own ;)