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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My son is a wimp!

Don't get me wrong, I love him like crazy, but he is a wimp. He was bound and determined to do a 5K with me after the one I did at Bastille Days, so I signed us up for one in August, he was fully aware he would need to go out jogging with me 2 or 3 nights a week so he would be ready. We have been at it about 3 weeks now and I swear he has had something to whine and complain about the whole 3 miles. Now keep in mind this kid hasn't had an ounce of hurry in him his whole life, he's always been laid back, one of those people you have to light a fire under their ass to get them moving, but anyway...I decided maybe I was pushing him too hard, so last night I decided we would jog one minute and walk 5 minutes and so on, not a great workout for me by far, but I figured it would be easier for him. He made it through the first one minute and then the complaining started...ugh! I can't make it much easier than that for him! The most frustrating thing to me is that during the walking part, he walks super slow and I can't even get him to walk fast a little bit. I am so sad that he is so out of shape at only 12 years old, last night I kept telling him that it will get better and that he was making his body strong, reinforced that he doesn't want to end up overweight and diabetic like his Dad, and blah, blah, blah! I don't want to make him hate jogging but I think he's capable of way more than the effort he is putting forth. I am so frustrated with him, but we will keep at it!
On a good note, I noticed that I am in the lead in the Awesome by August challenge! I have had a good two weeks, now lets hope I can keep it up! I think I need to find challenges to keep me motivated, it sure seems to be working!!!
So today's plan is homework (figured if I work 2 hours a day on the research proposal I won't have to hole up for two days straight to get it done at the last minute), a walk with the little girls this afternoon to a new park I discovered right up the road from my house that I never knew existed, and saw when I was out for a jog, and then jogging with Mr. Whiney Pants tonight, it's going to be hot and humid so I'm sure I'll hear about it the whole way!!


Cassandra said...

The key is (I think) to make it something positive and fun and an accomplishment. Tell him how proud you are. Tell him how are it is to do three miles. How tired you were when you first started. Celebrate every little achievement. Be his cheerleader. The first time he jogs for two minutes straight, make a big deal. Make him know how proud you are that he is just sticking to his guns and coming out with you.

The other thing that I find really helps is setting a reward system. And don't laugh, I do this for myself. When I committed to running a 10K, one of the first things I did was go buy the outfit I intended to run in. I wanted to look like a runner. When I got halfway through training for it, I went and ought a new pair of sneakers (though, I needed the sneakers). When I get done the 10K, I'm getting my tattoo (I don't recommend that for your son). It works.

I don't think he's a wimp. If he was a wimp, he would have quit. He would have just stopped running. He hasn't. Focus on that instead.

Ann Summerville said...

My son was the same way but now he's 23 he works out all the time and thinks nothing of riding his bike for 40 miles. Raising boys is no easy task.
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