Weight loss tracker

Friday, April 30, 2010


The easiest way to figure out your daily caloric needs is using something like the Harris-Benedict formula. Calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) first - this is the number of calories your body uses just to get through the day, without physical activity thrown in.
BMR = 655 + (9.6 x weight in kilos) + (1.8 x height in centimetres) - (4.7 x age in yrs)

655 + (9.6 x 90.9)+ (1.8 x 162.56) - (4.7 x 41)

655 + 872.64 + 292.6 - 192.7 = 1627.54

x 1.55 = 2522.6

- 500 = 2022.6

** So technically if I eat 1000 less than that I should lose 2 pounds per week, right??
Did I do this right?


Cassandra said...

That looks right, more or less, and for the amount of exercise you're doing, 1500ish seems like a good amount to aim for.

The big issue is not only how much you're eating, but the quality ad timing of your meals. Make sure to eat breakfast every single day, and then aim to be eating every 3 hours or so thereafter. Your meals should all contain a protein, a whole grain, and some sort of fruit or vegetable - and the bulk of your carbohydrate should be coming from veggies & fruits. Meats should be lean meat, milk should be skim or 1%, and refined sugars should be kept to a minimum.

And remember to eat BEFORE you work out - about an hour or so, have a high-carb snack, like a piece of fruit or a granola bar. Your body needs something to fuel with. Just because you don't give it food doesn't mean it'll burn fat - it'll just cause you to get fatigued.

Besides that, just be sure to drink your water! You won't believe the change it makes!

karen said...

Also PLEASE don't forget that sometimes our bodies don't play along nicely with the "math." Lots of times I'll be spot on with what I'm supposed to do & still not see the results I'm expecting. Just keep on going & it'll all work out ;)

Julie said...

But I'm a nurse, I'm all about!!!
I know it doesn't always work out the way it should, I will stick with it anyway. I usually eat lunch and then get on the treadmill about an hour to hour-half after, once the baby is down for a nap. I need to get better about drinking my water, I used to be really good and now I'm back into the stupid diet sodas!! BLEH!!