Weight loss tracker

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The mind will tell the body to quit before the body physically needs to quit

This is what my yoga instructor told us last night in an effort to get us to push just that little bit further. I am so guilty of this, so I need to shut down all the negative "chatter" going on inside of my head, I need to dig deep and overcome my own mind, as weird as that sounds. I am my own biggest obstacle.
In an effort to do this I got on the treadmill today, did my 1 mile warm up walk and then I jogged for one mile without stopping. This is huge for me because I haven't done it in months (and 30# ago), when I was going to the gym. It was a slow jog, 4.5mph, but my hip held up pretty darn well, considering. It was aching toward the end when I did the last 1.2 miles of jogging and walking, but I finished, and it felt damn good! I think switching to doing every other day on the treadmill instead of 5 days in a row is going to turn out to be a good move, at least for a while.
As a side note, when I was using the stairs to stretch out my hips after I got off the treadmill, Paige climbed half way up the stairs and basically straddled 3 steps and stretched out, "Is this right mom?"...Oh to be that flexible!!
Treadmill stats for today...
One mile walk:
15.23 minutes
1.00 miles
141.3 calories
Walked at 3.5 to 4.1 mph with a .5 to 1.0 incline

One mile jog:
13.22 minutes
1.001 miles
169.5 calories
Jogged at 4.5 mph no incline

1.2 mile jog/walk and cool down
17.50 minutes
1.2 miles
192.7 calories
Speeds and inclines varied

Totals for the day:
45.95 minutes
3.2 miles
503.5 calories burned

Not the greatest, but at least I'm getting there slowly but surely. I need to not overdo it, I don't want that hip to get bad again and set me back. No injuries!!!

So weigh in this morning was depressing 202.8#
I weighed 2# less at the doctors office this morning, with clothes on, which is weird, I don't know if my scale is off or his. Oh well, I'll go by mine.

I will post my food log later.