Weight loss tracker

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Food Addiction

So, I've been thinking about addictions, and I will be the first to admit that I have a total food addiction, I have for as long as I can remember, I can remember going to the candy store on Main street every Saturday morning and pouring over all the goodies deciding what to spend my 15 or 20 cents on, believe it or not they still had penny candy at this store, then I would go home and watch cartoons and eat my loot. My mom is the greatest cook ever, and even though we weren't rich there were always good meals and home baked goodies, and celebrations on the holidays with food and family and good times, possibly this association to food and good times with family is part of this sick love affair, I have a love affair with food. It's not like the alcoholic or the drug addict who can stay away from the object of their addiction and stay out of situations where those things might be available, because everyone NEEDS food to live, basic premise, and still I struggle. I don't think my husband would mind me having this affair because he has the same addiction I do, I just wish he'd come to terms with the fact that he needs to do something about his weight to save his health, he's teetering on the brink and it kind of pisses me off that he expects to die young because all of the men in his family have, and it's dieing from things that are preventable or at least can be not as severe with diet and exercise. I guess that old adage that you can't get someone to do something until they decide to do it applies here, I just wish he'd realize what he will be leaving behind. It would be so much easier to do this together. We are supposed to eat to live not live to eat, and at most times in my life, I'm sad to say, I live to eat. It makes me happy and gives me something to look forward to. I am a snacker and I have a sweet tooth, a pretty shitty combination for a food addict. Why can't I be addicted to vegetables???? I've know what I need to do to lose weight, I've done it a hundred times in my life, my nickname could be yo-yo. I will focus on what I need to do to get healthy, not skinny, I will exercise and I will run and the weight will follow. I need to work on fixing my head and my addiction, that is what will lead to success forever.
Maybe I need to see Dr Phil...lmao!!
I made beef stew for supper tonight, I find it funny that I have one kid who could literally live off it 6 meals a week or so, one kid who hates the meat but will eat all the veggies, one kid who only likes the meat, and two that just pick at it (that is 5 kids right...)gah! Time to start trying some new recipes I think!
I went to yoga this morning and it was awesome, as usual! I was sweating up a storm and felt like I got a great workout. Tomorrow is the treadmill, I'm trying to shoot for just over one mile jogging in the middle even if it's 1.1, I'll take it!!
I'll post my food log later!